Tuesday 10 September 2013

Famous Leaders

Mother Teresa           By: Charvi N.

The famous leader I am writing about now is Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was a very good person in her life. She had many different attributes. Her attributes were: kind, caring, empathetic, committed, hard-working, perseverant, brave, and helpful. She was kind, caring, and empathetic because she was helping the poor people in a very nice way, and she finished her job. She was committed, hard-working, and perseverant when she didn't give up helping the poor, and she worked hard on the job through the finish. Mother Teresa was brave because she didn't stop helping the needy people when lots of other people criticized and hit her when she was helping them. Mother Teresa/She fought for the rights of those people. Lastly, Mother Teresa was helpful because she helped the needy as much as she could.

Here is a picture of Mother Teresa: 


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