Me, myself, and I

Hi, my name is Charvi C. Negandhi, and I study in 6th grade at Singapore International School. My age is 11 years old. I have come from America, and I am in India because my parents wanted my schooling to be over here. I have a younger brother who is in America with my parents, and he is 8 years old. His name is Viraj. Let me tell you some things about myself.
First of all, my favorite color is light/sky blue.  

Something else about me is that I like to draw, paint, color, and sketch. Basically, I love arts and crafts. I also love to dance, and I was going for bharatnatyam dance classes in America for 3 years. 

I love to read books, especially fairy tales/fantasy. My favorite series of books is Goddess Girls, which is fiction, but it's based on Greek mythology. The books are basically about Greek goddesses when they were teenage girls.

My hobbies are: swimming, reading, arts and crafts (drawing, painting, coloring, sketching), traveling to different places, playing basketball, learning how to cook, and playing with my friends.

Here is a photo of me that you can see:

Here is a photo of my family that you can see:

This photo is of when we went to visit Epcot in Disney World, which is in Orlando, Florida.

The place I want to travel to most is France. I want to take a tour of all of France, especially Paris. I want to go see the Eiffel Tower, and also climb all the way to the top of it.

Those are a few things about me! 

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